Unicorn Group is delighted to announce its ground-breaking achievement of the PAS 2060 Carbon Neutral Standard.
Commitment to Sustainability Proves a Resounding Success
Our company remains steadfast in its pursuit of environmental excellence. With our sights firmly set on a sustainable future, we are now leading the way in advancing responsible business practices in our industry.
Sustainability as a Guiding Principle
The attainment of the PAS 2060 standard represents a defining moment for our company, as it affirms our unwavering commitment to environmental stewardship and its role in mitigating climate change.
Building on Success
Here at Unicorn Group, we will not rest on our laurels. We view the PAS 2060 standard as a foundation upon which to build further progress. Our company prioritises sustainability across its operations, with initiatives that include:
Carbon Reduction Innovations: investing in cutting-edge technologies and methodologies to further reduce our carbon footprint. We will continue to explore renewable energy sources, optimise energy-efficient processes, and develop innovative ways to minimise emissions.
Redefining Supply Chain Sustainability: Collaborate closely with our supply chain partners, to extend our commitment beyond our immediate operations where we can. Initiatives such as responsible sourcing and eco-friendly packaging are at the forefront of these efforts.
Education and Outreach: We aim to actively engage with our employees, customers, and industry peers to promote environmentally responsible practices and raise awareness of the PAS 2060 standard.
Word from the top...
“We are immensely proud to have achieved the PAS 2060 Carbon Neutral Standard,” said Tom Picking, Managing Director at Unicorn Group. “Our journey towards carbon neutrality has reaffirmed our belief that sustainability is not just an option but a necessity. We hope our efforts inspire others within our industry to embrace responsible environmental practices.”
Our journey doesn’t end with carbon neutrality; we will continue to explore more ways to minimise our environmental impact and contribute to a more sustainable future.
Contact us Call us on 028 9262 5898 or alternatively, you can email us at info@unicorngroup.com.